She Kills Monsters tells the story of high schooler Agnes Evans as she deals with the death of her younger sister, Tilly. When Agnes stumbles upon Tilly’s Dungeons & Dragons notebook, she finds herself catapulted into a journey of discovery and action-packed adventure in the imaginary world that was her sister’s refuge. The plot takes place in reality and in the imaginary game world; In the game world Agnes embarks on an action-packed quest to save her sister's soul, coming face to face with homicidal fairies, raunchy ogres and blood thirsty cheerleaders, learns about Tilly's exploration with her sexuality and discovers a side of herself she never knew existed. This high-octane dramatic comedy by acclaimed playwright Qui Nguyen offers a heart-pounding homage to the geek and warrior within us all.
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Earlier Event: January 19
Legal Film Series - Sponsored by Zimney Foster
Later Event: January 25
Empire Theatre Academy Presents "She Kills Monsters"