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The Brothers Gerswin: American Songbook

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The UND Department of Music is proud to announce that the UND Voice Area will present The Brothers Gershwin, an American Songbook Project at the historic Empire Arts Center in downtown Grand Forks on Friday, November 5, 2021 at 8p.

Audiences will be serenaded by the melodies and lyrics of George and Ira Gershwin, one of the most dynamic duos of American popular music.

“Our past shows have sold-out. The audience has such a great time singing along, too,” says Dr. Anne Christopherson, Associate Professor of Voice and Coordinator of the Voice Area. “Not only do the students learn more about their country’s musical history through the Great American Songbook they also present a unique and enjoyable experience to our community that has been so supportive of UND Music.”

UND Voice faculty, Anne Christopherson and Mandy Moreno, will lead their voice students in this musical journey with Michelle Henning at the piano and special guest, Emily Wirkus, faculty member of UND Theatre.

Audience will be seated on the main stage and masks are required. Approximate capacity is 50-60 people.